The bAwear-Score calculation relies on our proprietary bAwear textile model and SimaPro software, incorporating both primary data and, where necessary, secondary data sourced from publicly available literature. In instances where primary data is unavailable, secondary data is utilized. It is essential to note that when employing secondary data, the calculated results serve as indicative values.

The calculations adhere to the ReCiPe 2016 midpoint method, ensuring a comprehensive assessment. Data security is a priority, and our partner, PRé Sustainability, upholds ISO 27001:2013 standards to safeguard information.

The bAwear Advanced Impact Calculator functions as a screening tool, offering an estimation of a product's environmental footprint based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) principles. However, it does not substitute a complete LCA study. While the calculator aligns with various Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) principles, it is not fully PEF-/PEFCR-compliant.

We strongly recommend against utilizing the results for asserting sustainability claims, as the inclusion of secondary data may not entirely mirror the actual impact of your product. It is crucial to exercise caution in interpreting the outcomes.

It's pertinent to acknowledge that although the bAwear Advanced Impact Calculator has undergone an internal review at PRé Sustainability, external verification has not been conducted at this stage. Users are encouraged to consider this aspect when relying on the calculator's outcomes.

<aside> ❔ Want to review our methodology documentation? Request at [email protected]
